Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Transfer company truck

I modified a Wheel Works cast metal logging truck kit to a transfer company moving truck to be placed at the Peekup and Dropove company loading dock.  The back of the truck was made with a wood frame and a printed siding.

This was a fairly simple build though the kit instructions are very simplistic and lacking in detail.

New Structure

While I was constructing the truck, I sketched out a structure model for a carpenter shop.  My inspiration for this structure was an old photo in a relatively new book.  The structure was vintage 1890's and not a carpenter shop.  The person who started the carpentry business used to work at the wheel company which is located somewhat behind the carpentry shop.  Since the wheel works business was declining, the idea of going into the carpentry business seemed like a good idea.  I am in the early stages of construction.

The structure is part home and part business.  The home is on the left and the business on the right.  This structure is made from card stock with a bracing of wood pieces.  There will be a stone foundation on the left side with a porch in the front.  The clapboard is made with strips of craft paper painted with white acrylic paint.  I like the somewhat non-uniform look of the individual clapboard strips.

Above is the left side and rear walls.  All windows except the rear window are Tichy products.  The rear window is made from wood strips.

More later.

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