Sunday, May 22, 2016

Carpenter shop model start

The carpenter shop now has four walls (no roof yet as well as some other details to be completed).  I will be adding details inside the shop area on the right side so no roof until then.  I did but in a basic shop floor made from part of an index card.  That way I can add the details before placing it on the layout.  There will be no light inside but there are two doors so some amount of detail should be visible, and the shop will be next to the edge of the layout.

The porch is for entrance into the living quarters.

The side and rear off the shop area have vertical board siding instead of the clapboard on the rest of the structure.

Above are some of the detail items I have built, most of which will be located inside of the shop area.   All are scratch built.  The work bench is from wood pieces with stuff on it, including a scratch built wood plane on the right side of the bench top.  The trash can was made from a soda straw section with a paper base, and wood pieces inside.  The shelving was made from card stock and craft paper, with lots of junk on the shelves and top.  At the right are two scratch built saw horses.

There will be a fenced in area to the right of the structure and a shed in the yard area.  I am still thinking about what I will do.

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