Saturday, June 4, 2016

Carpenter shop on the layout

The carpenter shop is now installed on the layout.  The details are not glued down as I want to think about their positioning for a while - I may decide to move some things around.  The first photo below shows a number of the details I have either scratch built or in the case of commercial parts, painted them.

The two wheel cart is scratch built as are the chair, bench, work bench, saw horses and the strange machine in the center (that machine is being repaired by the carpenter).  The tool box, grinding wheel and about half of the tools are commercial parts.  The barrels are all commercial parts.

The shop is close to the edge of the layout - you can see the layout edge at the bottom left.  I still need to add scenery around the complex.  The platform with the ice cream shop is across the tracks on the right.  Not much scenery yet in the background area.

Above is a view of mostly the yard area.  The tool box is sitting on the bench.

This was an interesting and fairly simple construction project.  Almost everything I build is subject to later changes - in this case mostly the fence and yard area.  The fence is board by board.

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