Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Carpenter shop work shed

This work shed will be installed to the right-rear of the carpenter shop.  It is built using capped siding and the roof is made the same way as the carpenter shop using Campbell shingles.

This front view shows the work bench at the back wall of the shed.  There is an enclosed room for supplies at the left with a door inside the shed.  

Above is a view slightly from the right side.  There are a few boards leaning against the wall.  You can also see a figure standing at the workbench.  

And above is a view slightly from the left side.  Inside you can see some shelving against the right wall.

The remaining work on this model complex includes a board fence around the work yard to the right of the carpenter shop with the shed forming the right rear of the fence.  Then inside the yard will be some equipment and work in progress.  The next posting will show this model complex installed on the layout. 

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