Sunday, July 3, 2016

Model scrap yard with some scrap installed

I have installed some scrap in my scrap yard.  The most effort was in building out the old autos.  They were mostly cheap plastic toy-like cars which I upgraded with mostly card stock bodies.  Most of the rest of the scrap so far installed is cast metal parts.

The auto scrap is on the left.  In the center rear are some steam boilers - the one on the left is a commercial cast metal part with a few additions and the one on the right is scratch built from wood.

The scrap on this side is mostly railroad parts.

There is a lot more scrap to be added to this model.

One of the figures I added next to the office was made from a Plasticville cheap plastic figure that was I think a policeman.  It also was missing an arm, so I made a new arm from moderately heavy wire which I thickened with white glue.  The first arm I made flew off into the small parts black hole when I tried to smash a hand in the end using two metal blocks.  I don't know where these parts go.  I had some choice words while trying with no success to find the missing arm.

Over time I will add more scrap details to the scrap yard.  Meanwhile I will start a new model.  When the scrap yard is finally complete i will show more photos.

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