Wednesday, July 6, 2016

More scrap yard prototype photos

Here are some more prototype photos of scrap yards.  The first is from the mid 1940s and shows what was referred to as "home scrap".  Not from a residences but byproducts of processes in a steel mill such as casting and rolling.

Lots of slab and chunk pieces.

The next two photos are early 1900s rail yard scrap bins.

The photo above is referred to as a scrap platform.  Looks like lots of bins next to the platform.

Above is another scrap platform.  Each bin seems to be labeled as to contents.

So based on the preceding photos it seem scrap can be handled in many ways.  I am still populating my scrap yard with scrap items so sometime in the future I will show more photos of it.

Next Project

My next project will be a welding shop which will include a welding light effect.  I am doing sketches now and making a card stock mockup for sizing purposes.

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