Sunday, July 10, 2016

Welding shop model planing

I am building this model based on an old photo.  I scanned the photo and cropped it to exclude most of the surrounding scenery.  The resulting photo I am working from is quite grainy but adequate for my purposes.  There are two parts to the welding shop structure - the part on the left is smaller and may be an office area.  The part on the right is larger and deeper and is likely where the welding work was done.  The area on my layout where this model will go is somewhat constrained and not equally deep so I need to reverse the two parts of the shop on my model.  The somewhat crude card stock mockup reflects this reversal.  I have found that mockups are helpful in ensuring that the resulting model looks correct and fits the area on the layout.

The prototype has some really big signs and is well weathered so that is the way I will build it.  The photo appears to be a scene in the early 1900s - perhaps the 20s or 30s based on the autos in the scene.  It appears that the structures have flat roofs so that is the way I will build my model.

There will be a sketchy interior in the larger structure as the large open door will allow some view inside.  As that will be where the welding work is done, I will install a welding lighting effect in that structure which will also make the interior somewhat visible.

The photo above shows the interior of a 1920 welding shop where an oxy-acetylene torch is  being used.  I will use this photo to help design my interior.

In addition to my work on the scrap yard and the preparation for this welding shop,  I have still been working on the Vintage Vehicles steam shovel kit to place in the scrap yard.  This kit has been difficult for me as it has lots of detail parts which don't always go together easily.  My shaky hands don't help the situation.  I will show a photo when it is complete which is still a ways off.  When I am not enjoying something I am building I always seem to find excuses to do other things.

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