Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Building a damaged reefer car

A photo in one of my old books has inspired me to build a model of a damaged reefer car.  I believe the photo was actually of a grain boxcar but I chose to do a reefer.  I have a fairly large supply of card stock reefer and box car sides - once upon a time they were popular.  They can actually be made to look fairly good with a little work.

Above is the the photo of the damaged car.  Something, possibly a locomotive,  smashed in the end of this car.  I thought this would be interesting sitting on a siding.

This is the car side I choose to use.  It is a colorful and interesting reefer.  The card stock side has not had many changes yet - just a baseboard under the door (made from paper) and the doors have been cut with a razor blade to give the appearance that they could actually open.  I will be adding a lot more detail and substantial weathering.

Above is a card stock side reefer built many years ago using car sides produced in the NMRA Bulletin.  The Bulletin (now NMRA Magazine) used to publish car sides printed on card stock paper as a center fold.  Some were of prototypes, some were humorous as is this one, and some were for well know model railroader's layouts like for instance John Allen.  I have most of those car sides and have built a few.  They printed them in the most popular scales.  The sides I am using for this project were not from the Bulletin.

Above is an old reefer car end with the end doors open.  This car is loaded with grain.  I guess they used any car they could get hold of.

I am still working on the SS Ltd truck.  It is progressing slowly.  These kits are not my favorite thing to build so I have to motivate myself to work on it.

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