Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Damaged reefer car model progress

The damaged reefer car is partially completed.  The sides and ends are mostly done and there is half a roof.  Still lots of weathering to be done.  The damaged end is more work than I expected.  The fact that the sides are card stock makes it a little harder.

The doors on the other side are partially open.  I don't recall seeing a model with the reefer doors open and I have no examples, so I made them the way I thought they should be.

Below are some examples of other damaged freight cars.

Above are some damaged gondola cars.

In the photo above the locos are damaged but the freight cars seem to be OK - strange.

And here are some damaged hopper cars.

The SS Ltd truck

I have made limited progress on this truck model.  It is an annoying build.  I completed the trailer body and painted it using Scale Coat paint - what a mess!  It ended up uneven and glossy.  I threw all (5) of my scale coat paints in the trash.  Boy do I miss Floquil paints.  I have a few remaining but they are disappearing quickly.  Interestingly, the older square bottle paints seem to be holding up better than the new round bottle paints.  I am in the process of removing that messy paint.  Most of my painting going forward will be done with acrylic paints.

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