Saturday, August 20, 2016

Old parking garage completed

I have completed the old parking garage.  The roof  is 2x12 boards covered with strips of facial tissue.  Gives the model a worn look.  I added a strip of thin cardstock around the exterior of the base so I could add some scenery next to the structure as once it is on the layout it will be behind a row of buildings and somewhat hard to detail.

The scenery on the card strip is grass and dirt.  I added a shovel on the left and a ladder laying down on the right.  There are also some other minor details.  There is a figure with a cane in the front.

I also added some signs on each side.

The drive area in front of each set of doors was painted dark gray then covered with light gray cinders.

From the rear view you can see I added an old tire on the roof.  I guess some vandal threw it up here. The "tire" is a small ring of plastic painted dark gray.

I found out a few days ago that Caboose Hobbies in Colorado will be closing soon.  The number of decent hobby shops is shrinking.  I only went to caboose Hobbies once many years ago though I did order from them by phone a few times.  Since I only scratch build now,  I have little need for hobby shops.  I have an extensive supply of scratch building materials and when I need something I usually order it from Walthers.  I was really disappointed when the Floquil paints were discontinued though most of what I use now is acrylic craft paints - very cheap and easy to blend for various colors.   Other businesses that I used to buy from such as Radio Shack and  Brookstone used to have really useful products but they have changed so much that they now have very little of interest to me.

I am now trying to come up with my next project - it may not be a structure this time.  Still thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. There is still a place for card in scratchbuilding, which you illustrate very well. Building little structures like this adds a bit of spice to the hobby when you get tired of or stuck on bigger projects.
