Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Old parking garage model progress

The garage is mostly complete - still needs a roof.  It is completely made using strip wood.  The internal framing is 2x6,  the walls are 2x10 and the doors are 2x7.  The corner posts and internal post are 6x6.  The floor was made from card stock.  The roof will be made from 2x12 stock.

I added some signs on the exterior walls.

I made door handles using a small 1/16th inch square heavy paper base and a 1/16th inch piece of small wire glued to the paper - what a pain!  They are not easy to see but if you look close you can see them.

I added some interior detail,  mostly on the open door side.  While these details may be hard to see
after the roof is added, I just like doing interior details.  I put a shelf with stuff on it at the back, several tires, a gas cylinder in the rear corner, and a barrel on the left side.

Above is a few of the right interior.

The front close up may help to see the door details and the inside though that is somewhat dark.

Next I will add the roof and some exterior ground detail around the sides.

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