Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welding shop on layout

The welding shop is installed on the layout and the welding light is installed.  The welding shop is located behind a row of structures thus a little hard to see.  There is more scenery to be added.

Above is a photo showing the structure with low room light and the welding light turned on.  There is one steady blue LED and two blinking white LEDs.  It does not show well with a still shot.A small switch comes installed on the wires of the light kit.

While finishing the welding shop I was also constructing a 1915 model T Ford kit by Aurora.  That company went out of business about 1975.  This is a cheap but reasonably well detailed plastic kit from a series called  "snap-a-roos".  They were intended to just snap together, and they did.  I actually glued mine together and added details.

Below is a a photo of the car with the instruction sheet.

Next project

My next project is a small auto parking garage.  I have started the walls with interior framing which will be covered by individual boards.  The corner pieces on the ends will be removed before assembly - I just used them for stability during assembly.  There will be two garage doors in the front and a window on each end.

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