Saturday, August 13, 2016

Old automobile parking garage

This next project is an old, small automobile parking garage.  I previously showed the interior framing.  I have now completed the sides.  I built it board by board using scale 2x10 lumber for the siding.  All wood has been stained with my india ink & alcohol mixture.  There will be no paint on this structure.

Above is the interior wall framing assembled.

And here on the left is the structure with the board siding applied.  On the right is a small shed having nothing in particular to do with the garage - I just finished working on it along with doing the garage.  The shed is built entirely from card stock other then the wood strips used for internal bracing.  The sides are made from a layer of card stock which was then covered with strips of card stock for boards.  The roof is made from a single piece of card stock covered with facial tissue strips to simulate deteriorated rolled roofing.  The figure is there to give an idea of size.

Above is a partial side view of the structures.

In addition to putting a roof on the garage, I will add some front doors, the right one closed and the left one open.  There will be a floor and some amount of interior detail.  I will probably add an automobile partially in the left garage side.  Not really sure as I just make this stuff up as I go along.

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