Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Soap factory start

This is the first building of the soap factory partially completed - no roof and lots of details to be added.  I started with parts of a Design Preservation Models kit I had left over.  I replaced the windows and blanked off several.  The dark windows on the right of image 2 are "metal" plates which will have a vent installed.

I have decided to name this the Dopp Soap factory.  I wrestled with lots of names and came up with Dopp as that was the name of a soap machinery company in the 1920s.

The open door will have a small industrial railroad track coming out and going to the next building.  The next structure will be the power house.

Above is the original DPM wall - the door was cut out to the base.  The window mullions were cut out and replaced with more appropriate windows.  While I sold off most of my unused kits on Ebay, the DPM were so cheap it was not with the while to do that.

1 comment:

  1. i have just gone through the whole website and posts to 2011. i can see 75 years of hobby history here. bravo for allowing everyone to look into your corner of the Hobby.
