Saturday, October 15, 2016

Soap factory building one & two progress

Buildings one & two of the soap factory are almost complete.  Building two is the larger, background building behind building one.  Building two is only 5/8 inch deep and 10 inches wide.  The left side of building one is plain so I will be adding details to it - maybe signs or ivy.

While you can see through the windows in these photos, the structures will be against the wall so that will change.

There will be a loading dock against the wall to the right for the large doors.  The open doorway at the right of building one will have a small industrial railway coming out of it and going to the right to a forth building.  To the right of the structure as you see it will be a power house - that will be building three.  I have placed a water tank and a stairway enclosure on the roof of building one - both scratch built.  I also put a pile of boxes next to the stair well structure. I elected to make the water tank open at the top, which is not typical but I am tired of seeing peaked water tower roofs.  Water tanks on building roofs are/were however quite common.

Above is a collage of roof top water tanks.

The photo above shows a wood water tank being constructed.

Still more detailing to be done on these structures.

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