Friday, November 18, 2016

Demolition structure start

I have started on the structure under demolition.  My idea for this came from a structure I passed while riding on the bus in Maine touring the WW&F route.  Unfortunately the bus did not stop so I only have memories.  The base was made using hydrocal stone material produced by C C Crow.  I cut it into 4 foot high strips.   I installed a card stock base inside the wall to hold the detritus that fell when the structure began to be dismantled.

The wall framing is 3x6 boards.  The floor is mostly 10 inch scribed board material.  I installed some stairs against the left wall for access to the second floor.

Here is another view.  I have installed some rafters to hold the second floor of this two story building.

The high level view above shows some of the material that has fallen.  There will be a lot more!   This is the front view and there will be a deteriorated loading dock on the side.  There will be a small ground level structure on the right side.  At least half of the second floor will be broken and hanging down.

I enjoy building weathered and deteriorated buildings.  To me they have more character then new and unweathered structures.

1 comment:

  1. hope you're considering leaving enough of the building exposed to show the good details you're putting in here.

    reminds me of John Allen's burned out building:
