Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Demolition structure progress

The building under destruction is progressing and I am pleased with how it is going.  There is still much to be done but I thought I would post my progress before the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I doubt I will get much modeling done tomorrow as we have family coming over to celebrate Thanksgiving and several birthdays.

There will only be three walls as the demolition is progressing from the right end.  That also allows the interior to be seen.  There will be a lot of fallen boards and other detritus.

From the end view above you can see the stairs to the second floor and a closet door under the stairs.

Above you can see the rear of the building and more of the inside.  All walls except the far wall are built board by board for a deteriorated look.  The far wall is plain so it is commercial scribed wood.  All wood has been coated with my india ink and alcohol solution, and the outside walls are also painted with white acrylic paint using a semi dry brush method so it appears worn.  The painted wood was then again soaked in the ink/alcohol solution.

There will be a partial roof covering the same general area where the walls are still standing.

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