Saturday, November 5, 2016

Soap factory complete

I have completed the last of the structures for the soap factory.  All that remains is to finish installing it on the layout, adding scenery and final details.  This last structure is the old section of the factory and is more weathered.

The left side of this building attaches to the rest of the factory with the connection behind the tall bush.  The left large ground doorway has the industrial track entering it.  This structure is a combination of some leftover kit parts as well as scratch built parts.

It turns out that you can barely see into the top floor open door,  I added some rough details that look like boxes in case you could see in.  The photo below shows the incomplete rear of the building and shows the view block details inside.

The inside of my structures are usually not very fancy but structurally sound.

Above is an old part of a factory that I photographed years ago.  It helped me as inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. that's a great old photo from which to work.looks like it's seen some changes over the years. i went back through the whole project and it looks like the factory complex would create an interesting siding - and generate some much needed revenue.
