Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Soap factory details

I have constructed an old soap factory piece of equipment to place along side of the factory as discarded equipment.  It was known as a "slab chipper".  It had knives arranged horizontally for the chipping of long soap bars, which were placed in the  cylindrical hopper at the top.  Below is the diagram of the prototype device.

And below is my model.

The model is weathered as it has been sitting outside the factory for some time.

Below are some more photos of industrial track starting with a diagram of typical arrangements.

And next is another example of how these industrial rail tracks were used.

This was a 1902 storehouse of the Reading Railway at Packerton, PA.  It had a half mile of track and 17 turn-tables.  

Above are examples of some of the types of cars used on these industrial rail tracks.  

I have been building model railroad models for over 60 years so I have a lot of experience - made lots of mistakes and learned by those mistakes.  Below is one of the first scratch built rail cars I constructed.  

I keep this car as a reminder of how far I have progressed.  It was built following an article in the 1952 issue of HO Model trains.  The couplers were removed long ago but were probably the old MDC couplers.  

1 comment:

  1. that's a great tank car. i was born in '52 and my cousin got me interested in trains with his American Flyer layout. when he began reading MRR, he gave me his old copies of Model Trains because "they only have HO stuff".

    i remember guys scratchbuilding cars with wood from cheese boxes. looks like you found a similar resource for yours! good onya for saving it all these years.
