Thursday, December 8, 2016

Building supply lumber shed

The first structure I have built for the building supply company is the lumber shed.  This shed will be located between two larger structures so the shed ends are not detailed.  The shed was made using wood scraps and card stock.

The floor boards on both levels are 12 scale inch wide strips of manila card folders painted.  No need to waste strip wood where it cannot be seen.  The shingles are Campbell product card stock strip.  There are various sizes of wood boards in the various shed sections.  The lower left is simulated plywood sheets.  There is a ladder on the left side to climb to the upper platform.  Chain sections are hung between the posts so they can be removed to allow the the yard loader to remove or fill the stalls.

The above photo better shows the platform and chain.  The shed is 40 scale feet wide and 10 scale feet deep at the base.

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