Monday, December 5, 2016

Building supply company planning

My next industry model will be a building supply company.  My modeling philosophy is to build models prototypically as best I can though I usually do not model any specific prototype.  My models are usually much smaller than a typical prototype.  One of the biggest problems I usually have is to decide what to build - that takes time.  I have a lot of different industries on my layout already so it is challenging to select something different that fits with the area where it will be located.  This building supply company will be located to the right of the soap factory and will be the last industry on this layout section before the end of layout hill.  As usual, I did a quick concept design shown below.

The size was designed to fit the available area.  I sketched the model with some brief dimensions.  This is as much of a plan as I usually make.  I have already decided to eliminate the pictured crane and will instead build a battery powered traveling lift device.  The building supplies will be designed to supply industrial buildings rather than residential buildings.  Maybe they will supply the replacement for the building under destruction.

Above is a building supply yard image, but not exactly what I will be constructing.

Since I have reached the end of the current L shaped layout extension, I am already planning an addition that will create a C shaped layout extension.

I frequently look at the blog statistics to see what viewers are interested in and how many views I get on my postings and what countries they are from.  Over the last few days I have had hundreds of "views" from Russia - I guess I have fans there.  

1 comment:

  1. i'm encouraged by your checking of the comments. since there is no other way to know, i wasn't sure if they were read.

    interesting industry to keep revenue coming for the railroad. will be following along!
