Saturday, March 25, 2017

Boat outfitter 3rd building

I have finished the third building of the boat outfitter company.  None of the buildings are yet installed but merely shown sitting in place.  I need to do some adjusting to get them together and install the overhead crane between building 3 and the shed.

Above you can see all three buildings in place.  The outside posts for the projecting hoist house on building three are only sitting in place and not yet attached.  The hoist is my solution to lifting small boats and heavy equipment from larger boats to place them on the dock.

Here you can see the right side of building three.  The white object in the doorway is a small boat under repair.  You can see the hoist at the left projecting from the hoist house.

And here is a view of the left side.

I plan to add a shed at the back of building three.  After I install the 3 buildings along with the overhead crane,  I will add details to the interior yard area.

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