Thursday, March 30, 2017

Boat outfitters model complete

The boat outfitters model is complete (unless I decide to add more details).  It is installed on the layout with some scenery added.  I added a number of birds (seagulls) on the roofs.  There is a traveling crane located between the shed on the right and the work building on the left.  I have named the facility the Norton Boat Outfitters for a friend.

The yard area in the center has two boats under repair as well as other details.

The above view shows the yard area.  I am adding some vegetation and moss at the base of the dock where it meets the water.  There is an old anchor leaning on the shed on the dock.

Above is a view of the left side showing the shed at he rear of building #3.

This industry was fun to build.  I now am thinking about the next dock area structure.  My wife thinks there should be a fish market on the dock - TBD.  The idea of a fish market brings to mind the odors such an industry generates.  Many years ago there was a model company called Olfactory Airs which sold various model odor products.  They did not last long.

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