Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dredge company model planning

My next model on the dock will be a dredge company.  It will be located at the far left of the dock with other models to be inserted between the dredge company and the fish market.  I had been thinking about doing a cannery here but decided the dredge company would be more interesting.  The dredge company does not conduct dredging,  but instead outfits and repairs dredges and dredge equipment.

I added a square stone abutment at the left end of the "water" shelf and the very early start on the main dredge company building can be seen above that stone abutment.  Below are some examples of early dredges.

The photo above shows a dredge on what looks like a barge.

The dredge above is more of a boat.

The dredge above was used on the New York State barge canal.

I will now build the dredge company buildings which will be in a "U" shape similar to the boat  outfitters.

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