Friday, April 28, 2017

Dredge company building one

Building # one of the dredge company is progressing but not complete.  By photographing this structure without the roof the interior details are somewhat visible.   I have also been busy with projects around the house including cutting down a large branch that broke off from one of my trees.  At my age that sort of work is challenging although necessary.

This structure will sit at the edge of the dock and the hoist projecting out of the front will hang over the water to lift or lower equipment to and from the dredge boats.  At the left interior front  of the building there is a work bench near the figure.

In the photo above you can see a dredge hoist leaning against the wall and a hoist mechanism in the center of the floor.

Above is a view of the structure from above showing the interior.  I plan to add more "stuff" inside to create the appearance of lots of clutter.  There will be a loading dock at the back  of the structure.

The above photo shows a similar hoist being used to load and unload rail cars.

In response to the comment/question -  The tools in the structure are a mix.  The workbench and hand tools on it are a commercial casting with a few pieces of misc parts like wire.  The center floor hoist mech was a kit leftover.  The hoist against the wall is scratch.  the dolley against the right wall is scratch.  Some of the barrels in the back are pencil erasers.  Hope that helps. 

1 comment:

  1. Stan, how did you make or did you buy the hand tools you have in the Dredge workshop?
