Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fishnet shop house

I have completed the old stone house for the fishnet shop.  There will be signs and other details added before it is finally installed on the layout.  Adding the "copper" sheathing on the roof was frustrating due to the dormer windows - it was like cutting out a jigsaw puzzle.

This is a front view with the left side.  The right side will have a large shed attached so it is somewhat short of complete detail.

And above is a view of the rear.

Above is a view of the house before I weathered the roof.  The "copper" sheathing is a commercial card stock product.

Next I will construct the large storage shed which will project out beyond the front of the house.

Below is an image of an old cardboard fan I bought years ago.  I think it is interesting.

The small tan section in the bottom center is part of the wood handle.

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