Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fishnet shop structure complete

I have completed the fishnet shop structure - just added the storage shed.  The storage shed is wood so gives a contrast to the stone house.  The shed was fairly simple.  The roof shingles are the venerable Campbells paper shingles, which I weathered.  I added a small stack projecting from the rear of the shed.  The stack was made from a plastic kit sprue.

I added two small weathered signs.

Next I will install the structure on the layout.  Then I will add a fence around the front area and install  a fishnet rack and a variety of colorful bouys,  as well as other details and some workers.

On a different note, I have long had a three shelf metal cart sitting under my main layout.  The cart contained an array of tools and other items for use in my layout construction.  I decided since the main layout was essentially complete, to move the cart out and under the new layout addition.  Since I have many tools at hand there, I removed all of the tools and stuff and replaced them with my many containers of scenic material.  I then realized I have LOTS of small tools!


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