Friday, July 21, 2017

Furniture factory building one less roof

I have completed the furniture factory building one but have not yet added the roof.  I included a lot of interior details - mostly scratch built - so I plan to try and make the roof removable.  Building one is the furniture construction building and has a number of power tools and various lumber and supplies.  Outside of the building is an  open shed with a scratch built steam engine that supplies power to the factory.

In the above exterior view you can see the steam boiler with a small coal box.

Above you can see the overall inside, other than the front area.  There are two open shelves with boxes and parts- both made from card stock.  There are two figures inside.

The three power tools are scratch built from wood, card stock and plastic parts.

In the view above you can see the ramp and door to the next building which is the assembly and finish building.  At the lower left is my lathe which was time consuming to build.

This furniture factory is a small,  mostly custom manufacturer.  Most of my industries are small so I have room to build more industries.

The next building I will construct is the assembly building.  I intend to build each structure using different styles for variety.

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