Saturday, July 29, 2017

Furniture factory building two

I have finished the second building of the furniture factory.  This is a small,  mostly custom furniture builder.  Building two is where the final assembly and finishing of the furniture occurs.  I did not do an interior for this building.  Only the front and rear of this building are detailed as it fits between building one and building three.   I also added a removable roof to building one - that roof has a small skylight window and a vent.

Building two has a raised floor which is why there was a ramp to it's side entrance from building one. There is a small loading dock in front of building two with a worker sitting on it.  The figure had lost one arm so I made a new one from a short piece of brass wire.  The window is by Grandt Line and the door is scratch built.

In the rear view you can see the small loading dock and the smoke stack on the roof.  The rear of these buildings face away from the front of the layout and are track-side, and hard to see,  so there is not much detail.

Next I will build the third building which is the storage and display building and which will contain pieces of completed (mostly cast metal) furniture.

I had planned to post this yesterday evening but my Comcast TV and Internet service were down from late morning yesterday until some time last night - presumably a result of the strong rain and thunder storm.

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