Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Furniture factory bldg #3 complete

I have completed building number 3 of the furniture factory,  That completes the factory.  Next I will install it on the layout with scenic details around it.  This structure has some minimal interior details but they are very hard to see which is why I placed most of the furniture on the loading dock.

Most of the furniture is SS Ltd cast metal details with some modifications such as backs to the tall shelving at the corner of the dock.  The roof has shingles by BEST.  All windows are by Tichy.  The stack at the back was made from a plastic sprue.

Above is a view of all three structures of the factory together.

As I install this industry I will be also planning my next model - always a challenging task as I have built so many industries it is difficult to come up with something new.

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