Monday, August 21, 2017

Furniture factory installed

I have installed and added scenery for the furniture factory.  I am still considering what to name it so signs will be added later.  Over the last week I was also constructing an SS Ltd light delivery truck which you can see backed up to the platform on the right side.

The factory is located in front of the building under destruction which you can see on the right side of the furniture factory.

This view shows the delivery truck with a piece of furniture loaded in the back.

I will probably add more scenery as time goes by.

Next Model.

I have decided what my next model will be.  It will be something I doubt many if any modelers have modeled.  It will be a Bobbin Mill - a mill that creates wooden bobbins for use in weaving factories for the textile industry.  Bobbin mills mostly disappeared by the mid-1900's due to changes in technology, but since I model 1939 they still existed.  In my next post I will discuss details on a typical bobbin mill and some background information.

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