Saturday, August 5, 2017

Furniture factory building #3 start

I have started on the third and last structure for the furniture factory.  I have built the walls and internal first floor.  Still to be completed are the roof,  loading docks,  and interior details.  There will also be a partial second floor - at least as much as will be seen through the upper door on the right side.  That upper door will be for hoisting materials from the loading dock.   The roof will not be removable so whatever interior details will be seen it will be though the open doors.

As usual, the windows are Tichy products.  I will scratch build some doors which will be open.  There will be a variety of furniture products inside the building and on the loading docks.  Many of the furniture products will be cast metal items by SS Ltd.  Others will be scratch built.

Once all three buildings are complete they will be installed on the layout and scenic details will be added.

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