Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Brush factory installed

The brush factory is now installed on the layout with scenery and details.  I expect I will do more detailing over time.  Photographing the model was a little difficult as it is both at the edge of the layout and close behind the boarding house.

You can see the layout edge at the lower left and the area behind the brush factory is not detailed.

I added a ladder to the boiler house roof and a tank attached at the back.

A view between the boarding house and the bobbin mill shows part of the loading dock, the shed, and some details beside the shed.  The left detail is an old "machine" cobbled up from various plastic parts and to the right is a barrel with junk on the top - that is part of one of the old FSM detail parts sold long ago as casting parts #1 (there never was a number 2).  I found them strange as they consisted of metal casting barrels stacked with boards and other stuff - not very realistic so I cut them apart and used the individual parts.  I actually prefer urethane castings as they are easier to deal with and have far less to file off.

Above you can see the wood scrap pile to the left of the shed and some other details.

I think I have come up with another industry for my next model - more later.

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