Monday, October 9, 2017

Brush factory model planning

My next model will be a brush factory.  This company makes paint brushes and industrial brushes.  In the first half of the 20th century most brushes were made using animal hair,  most often hog bristles.  That is the process my factory uses.  As usual, the most difficult part of any industry I build is deciding what to build and developing a basic design.  I have built so many industries that coming up with something new is getting harder.  My inspiration for this model design was a photo I took some years ago during a model railroad convention.  The industry in the photo has nothing to do with a brush factory - I just liked the look.

My model will be different than the photo above but I liked the idea of the elevated platform.  My model will have capped siding and will be somewhat weathered as with all of my models, but is basically good condition.  I have built the front wall and am working on the side with the elevated platform.  I will post the first progress photos later this week.

Another photo I took years ago at a different convention is the small crane below

This would be a simple model to build and is mounted on a very small rail car.  As I recall the crane was sitting in a scrap yard.  I do not plan to build a model of this but I thought it was interesting.

Some railroad history

I saw a short notice in an old railroad journal about two solid wood passenger cars being made in Tulare County, California for exhibition in Chicago in 1892.  They were being made from the trunk of a sequoia gigantia, and shaped to the outward form of railroad cars.  They were then hollowed out and finished on the interior with seats, etc.  The whole car was polished.  Since the note was pre- exhibition I can only assume they were competed and displayed.  If so, I wonder what happened to them.

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