Sunday, October 1, 2017

Boarding house installed

The boarding house is now installed with additional details and scenery.  It is at the outside corner of the layout extension so I backed up the photos with a cloudy sky scenery board to avoid having the layout room as part of the photos.

This is a view of the front with a tree in the front yard and an auto at the side of the house.  You can see some of the inside of the fence that boarders one side and the back.

Here is a view of the back and the outside of the fence.  I added signs to the fence.  I also added some laundry hanging on the upper level, a rag on the second level railing along with a potted plant and some "stuff" on the lower level which cannot be seen in this photo.

Here is another slightly different view of the back.

That finishes this model.  I am doing the planning for the next model.

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