Sunday, December 31, 2017

Hardware store model start

Here is the start of my old hardware store model.  I first began by modifying a DPM resin kit but soon realized it was not a fit for what I was trying to achieve so that went into a box for maybe later.  This structure will adjoin the old house I just built.  The roof will be shingled.  There will be a front porch with lots of "stuff" on it and a roof/porch above it.  I plan to have some interior detail near the front of the inside since the front windows are fairly large.

Below is a view of the rear of the structure.

I am not yet sure what other details this structure will have since I make these things up as I go along - that is the fun of it.

Below is a very old cartoon apparently from a newspaper as I has gardening ads on the back.  I just think it is a fun cartoon.

More to come next year.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Old house & garage complete

I have completed the old house and garage.  I added some attached scenery at the front and back as it will be difficult to scenic once they are installed since the structures will be in the center of the module.  The scenery was attached on heavy paper glued to the base.

On the front you can see a dog on the porch and a mailbox by the steps.  There is some trash on the grass including some beer bottles and paper trash.

At the rear there is a shed and a porch.  On the porch is a man sitting on a bench reading a book and two children playing.  There is also a variety of junk behind the garage.

Next model.

The next model will be an old hardware store which will be attached to the side of the house opposite from the garage.  I plan to have a front porch on the hardware store with some merchandise on the porch.  I have made some sketches to work from.  With the holidays coming up it may be a while before I make much progress.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Old house and garage model

Here is the old house and garage I have been working on.  It is not totally complete but it has been a while since I posted.  I still need to add a porch and shed on the back and do a little more weathering.

These will be part of a street scene representing an older section of town.  It will be across the track from the industries I just finished.

The side of the house you do not see is blank and will adjoin another structure - have not yet decided what that will be.  The scenery around these structures once they are installed will be somewhat shabby.

For added interest, here is a photo I took some time ago of a deteriorated flat car - I think it was an East Broad Top narrow gauge car.  I was very lax in writing descriptions on my photos over the many years I toured and photographed industries.

I may eventually do a model of this.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Industrial vacuum co installed

The industrial vacuum  company has been installed with some scenery around it.  It fits into a tight industrial area.  I also built a storage battery truck to move supplies and finished products around the factory.

Above is a view of the other end of the factory.

And another view above.

Above is my battery truck model with  load of supplies.  I sized this by the wheels which are RR truck wheels with the flanges removed.  It was modeled based on the prototype below.

Another variation of this type of motor truck is below.

That concludes my work on this model unless I come up with other ideas.  I really had fun making the machinery.

Next Model

Next I will be building a street scene across the track from the vacuum company and located in the middle of the module.  It will include old houses, garages, stores and whatever else I come up with.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Another vacuum machine for the factory

I built another industrial vacuum machine for my industrial vac company.  It is 9 1/2 feet high to the top of the cylinder and 7 feet long.  It was made using miscellaneous scrap parts, wire and bits of plastic.  It is modeled along the lines of one of the prototypes I posted.  It is fun doing these unusual machines.

While I was building the vac, I also assembled a pick-up truck kit by Sylvan.  I have built a number of their kits.  They are moulded using a polyurethane resin that is fairly soft and easy to remove flash.   The tires are actually moulded rubber which fit over the wheel hub.  I painted my truck gray versus the somewhat bright color in their illustration.

These models were a breather from the structure building.  I was also involved in some nice family events - can't do modeling all of the time.

I have been working on the location for the vac factory doing such things as road crossings on the track that runs by where the factory will be located.