Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Town tavern model start

My next model is a small tavern for the town I an building.  I am calling it Paul's Tavern as my son Paul some years ago was considering opening a tavern - until he came to his senses and decided to stay with the job he already had.  The tavern will be adjacent to the hardware store with an alley between them.  I have started by building the tavern front.

I added beer and whiskey signs to the windows.  I will probably add some minimal interior details since the windows are rather large.  The rest of the structure should be fairly easy, the complex part being the front.


Many years ago I bought an old map at an antique store in Maine.  It is an 1800's Southern Pacific railroad map with no date I can find.  The map includes the Central Pacific railroad which was eventually taken over by the Southern Pacific.  It preceded the transcontinental railroad which include the CP and SP.  The map hangs on a wall in my basement and has become very brittle and cracks easily.

The map has old advertising around the edges.  I find this map fascinating.

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