Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Town tavern complete

The tavern is complete and I am pleased with the result.  I added a metal emblem above the front door - it is a pin I acquired long ago and it adds to the image.  There is also a wood front porch.

The roof was made with card stock with paper strips for tar paper.

Above is a rear view.

Above is a view of the interior which has tables, benches and figures, and alas as usual is hard to see now that the roof is on.

The tavern will be located on the layout next to the hardware store with an alley between them.  None of the street structures are yet installed.

As I have said before, most of my painting is done using craft acrylic paints.  I used to store them on a shelf in my shop but that was inconvenient as I had to walk over there each time I needed a different bottle.  Thus I cleared out two drawers in my modeling desk and now store the paints close at hand - much more convenient.  As you can see in the photo below I painted the bottle tops with a dab of the paint so I can tell at a glance what color is in the bottle.

And now again I need to decide what my next model will be.  It will be another structure for my town street.

1 comment:

  1. Your patrons seem to be enjoying themselves. A happy tavern, to be sure.

    As for the paints, I too rely heavily on craft paints. The selection of colors, ease of cleanup and low price are all good reasons to use them. You, however, have done what I have yet to complete - putting dabs of color on the lids. Mine are in an Ikea banker box and I have to lift each one to see what color it is.

