Monday, February 5, 2018

Tank truck model

While planning my next structure, I have assembled a tank truck which is part kit, part scratch. The rear tank part of the truck is a cast metal kit.  It contained no wheels, cab or engine compartment.  I have a lot of truck and auto wheel commercial parts so I used those.  The cab and engine were scratch built from card stock and wood parts.  I used a commercial radiator casting from my parts box which established the size of the front end.

In the process of looking for parts for this model I again spent time sorting some parts boxes - a time consuming process but one which ultimately yields items I had forgotten about.

Below is a photo I took in 1992 during a railman trip - I believe is was in Ohio.

It is an interesting house built from two boxcars.  There is a nice chair on the porch so the occupant can sit and watch the passing road traffic.

Next Model

My next model will be another house for the street I am assembling.  It will be an old victorian style house.  I have done research and sketched the model.  Construction begins tomorrow.

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