Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cigar store model

I have built the first of three businesses that will be added to my street.  This structure is a cigar store.  It is fairly small and has the wooden cigar store Indian that was frequently displayed outside cigar stores.  Both my wife and I recall seeing these in the past. The store owner is also standing on the store front platform holding a cigar in his hand.

The Indian was a cast metal figure that I modified and repainted.

The above view shows the side with several cigar signs.  The other side is plain wood as it will attach to the next building.

And here is a view of the rear.

Smoking is a bad habit and extremely unhealthy but was prevalent in the 1930's.  My father was a heavy smoker most of his life.  In his later years he developed serious health problems related to his smoking.

At the same time I was building the cigar store I assembled a SS Ltd cast metal truck kit with modifications.

As I have previously stated, SS Ltd kits have great detail parts but lousy instructions.  I have had this kit sitting on the shelf for many years.  I modified the cab using some kit parts and some other materials including a front window.  I added a simple wood rear platform and will probably add a load later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bakery model complete

I have completed the bakery model.  It came out pretty good in my opinion.  The only interior detail is the bakery product shelves in the large window and a female figure standing at the shelves.  I added a flour product billboard on the side and a small sign under the window.

Sarah is standing outside the front door feeding a dog biscuit to her dog Tito.  She made the biscuit in her bakery.

Above is a close-up which shows some of the bread, rolls and cakes in the window.  After I carved the tiny pieces of wood for the bread, I told my wife I had been making bread in the basement - she did a double take then realized what I was talking about.  The rolls on the shelf are tiny seeds.

On the left side you can see the stack from the bakery kitchen.

Above you can see the rear of the building.  To the right of the door is a small vent.

This was a relatively simple model, the only complex part being the front.

Next I am thinking about a joined set of businesses for more structures on the street.  I have not started planning yet -just thinking about it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bakery model start

My next project is a bakery named for my grand daughter who likes to bake.  This structure will be located on the opposite side of the street that I am constructing.  The only interior details will be the stairs to the second floor that appear in the open doorway on the right side of the structure (not visible in these photos but visible when looking at the model), and some bakery products on a shelf inside the large center window.

I will place a sidewalk in front of the structure and the roof will be flat.  Other than the front which was a little complex, this is a fairly simple model.

Below is a photo of some early 1920's bakery bread ovens.

The oven in my bakery is smaller and no brick front but is will not be seen - actually it will not be modeled.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Small house/shack complete

The small shack-like house is now complete.  It will be located at the end of the street adjacent to the victorian house.  It has board & batten siding and a rough shingle roof using the Campbell paper shingles.  I have added some scenery around the house using paper which is now somewhat non-flat but will be flattened out when glued to the layout - I just wanted it to be thin.

After it is installed on the layout more scenery will be added to it but since it will be located some way from the layout edge I decided to do the basic scenery now.

The home owner is sitting on the front porch.

This was a fairly simple model to build but I am happy with the result.  Most of the details around the structure are commercial metal castings.

Now I need to decide what to build next - always a challenge.  It will be another structure on the street - probably some kind of business.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Small house/shack planning

My next project will be a small, dilapidated house or shack.  It will be at the end of the street and will be surrounded by trash and junk.  I think it will be adjacent to the victorian house separated by a fence.  I have made a sketch and built two sides of the house.

This house will have board and batten siding and a shingle roof.  More to come on this.

Now some items of general interest.

Above is a rustic town scene with some interesting structures along a railroad track.

And above we have a complicated track scene circa 1900 or so.  Laying track is one of my least favorite projects although on my previous layout - many years ago - I scratch built several turnouts including one three way turnout.  Now I just use commercial track as part of my scenes.