Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cigar store model

I have built the first of three businesses that will be added to my street.  This structure is a cigar store.  It is fairly small and has the wooden cigar store Indian that was frequently displayed outside cigar stores.  Both my wife and I recall seeing these in the past. The store owner is also standing on the store front platform holding a cigar in his hand.

The Indian was a cast metal figure that I modified and repainted.

The above view shows the side with several cigar signs.  The other side is plain wood as it will attach to the next building.

And here is a view of the rear.

Smoking is a bad habit and extremely unhealthy but was prevalent in the 1930's.  My father was a heavy smoker most of his life.  In his later years he developed serious health problems related to his smoking.

At the same time I was building the cigar store I assembled a SS Ltd cast metal truck kit with modifications.

As I have previously stated, SS Ltd kits have great detail parts but lousy instructions.  I have had this kit sitting on the shelf for many years.  I modified the cab using some kit parts and some other materials including a front window.  I added a simple wood rear platform and will probably add a load later.

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