Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bakery model complete

I have completed the bakery model.  It came out pretty good in my opinion.  The only interior detail is the bakery product shelves in the large window and a female figure standing at the shelves.  I added a flour product billboard on the side and a small sign under the window.

Sarah is standing outside the front door feeding a dog biscuit to her dog Tito.  She made the biscuit in her bakery.

Above is a close-up which shows some of the bread, rolls and cakes in the window.  After I carved the tiny pieces of wood for the bread, I told my wife I had been making bread in the basement - she did a double take then realized what I was talking about.  The rolls on the shelf are tiny seeds.

On the left side you can see the stack from the bakery kitchen.

Above you can see the rear of the building.  To the right of the door is a small vent.

This was a relatively simple model, the only complex part being the front.

Next I am thinking about a joined set of businesses for more structures on the street.  I have not started planning yet -just thinking about it.

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