Friday, April 27, 2018

Merchant tailor shop complete

I have completed the merchant tailor shop.  It is the last of the three connected structures.

The shop has a wood platform in front with a figure of a customer leaving the store,  a small bench and a stand-alone display of a man in a suit.  There are a number of signs on the front of the building, a chimney and roof access cover on the roof.

The side and rear of the building have minimal details.

And below you see all three structures connected.

They are now ready to place on the layout.  The buildings on the street will be permanently installed when I have constructed all of the buildings that will be on the street.  There are one or two more to go.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Merchant tailor shop start

My next structure on the street is a merchant tailor shop.  It will be attached to the right side of the apothecary shop.  A merchant tailor is essentially a tailor that makes his own clothes.  This is being built using wood and card stock.  The windows as usual are Tichy.  The door is a Grandt Line product.

It has taken a little longer than usual to post this as I have been busy working in the yard mowing and picking up an unusual amount of fallen tree limbs and twigs - a result of lots of strong winds.  I am also in the process of power washing my deck and re-staining the clean boards.  Not my favorite tasks but necessary.

I also built another SS Ltd truck, this time with high sides on the back.

The truck in the front is the new one, the other was what I previously built.  Same kits, just a little different.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Apothecary shop complete

I have completed the apothecary shop.  It will have the cigar shop on the left and another business connected on the right side.  I will probably add some details on the front sidewalk but have not yet decided what.  The lower front was the most complex part of this and the shingled roof the most tedious.

The upper windows are by Tichy as is the chimney.

Above is an angle view.

And above is a view of the rear.  The rear windows are scratch.

Next I will build the structure for the right side.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Apothecary shop model start

The next structure on my street will be an apothecary shop.  It will be connected to the right side of the tobacco shop.  An apothecary shop is essentially an early version of the drug store.  The apothecary offered general medical advice and some medical services.. They also dispensed various medicines and herbs.  This is just a start

This structure thus far is all constructed from wood with the exception of the Tichy windows and the metal sign which has a printed paper insert.  The metal sign was in one of my parts boxes and I have no idea where it came from but I think it fits nicely.  There will be lots of medical signs on the front and in the windows (which is why I made the windows so large).

Above is a side view.  The tobacco shop will be to the front of this side.  Another business will be attached to the other side.

Vintage rock bunker.

Below is a early 1900's rock bunker which would probably make a nice model.