Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Apothecary shop model start

The next structure on my street will be an apothecary shop.  It will be connected to the right side of the tobacco shop.  An apothecary shop is essentially an early version of the drug store.  The apothecary offered general medical advice and some medical services.. They also dispensed various medicines and herbs.  This is just a start

This structure thus far is all constructed from wood with the exception of the Tichy windows and the metal sign which has a printed paper insert.  The metal sign was in one of my parts boxes and I have no idea where it came from but I think it fits nicely.  There will be lots of medical signs on the front and in the windows (which is why I made the windows so large).

Above is a side view.  The tobacco shop will be to the front of this side.  Another business will be attached to the other side.

Vintage rock bunker.

Below is a early 1900's rock bunker which would probably make a nice model.

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