Saturday, May 26, 2018

General store structure complete

I have completed the general store structure but not the model.  There is still work to be done such as a roof over the front porch, lots off signs, weathering and a fenced in side yard where the outside stairs are.

The store is made using clapboard siding for the main building and scribed siding for the rear shed.

The stairs are a commercial product but the railings are strip wood.  All doors and windows are commercial products.  The shingled roof was made using the venerable Campbells paper shingles.

Above is the rear view.  Lots of work yet to be done on this model.

I thought my "tool" for holding down roofs while the glue drys might be of interest.

It is made of a flat piece of wood with two triangular strips glued to it.  It is upside down in this photo tp show the item.  It is resting on a metal weight just for the photo.  It is 4 inches long by 2 1/2 inches wide.  I find this to be very handy.  When I place it on a roof I add weights on top.

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