Sunday, June 3, 2018

General store model complete

I have completed my general store model.  I added the porch roof, lots of signs, and lots of details.  As usual, I may later modify this or add more details - who knows.   On the front porch is a coke machine, a chair and some barrels along with two figures.

At the side is a fenced in area with lots of stuff.  At the back left is a shed with a work bench that has an open drawer with stuff in it.

I added a ground level side door under the stairs to allow the yard to be accessed from inside the building.

Above is a rear and side view.

Above you can see the right side where I added some signs.

And above is an elevated view of the front with a better look at what is in the yard.

I think this concludes the structures for my town street so I will next arrange the structures on the layout, install them and detail the street area.  This may be a little more complex than it sounds.

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