Sunday, November 4, 2018

Old machine shop progress

I have essentially completed the machine shop building and the boiler house.  There are more details and weathering to be added.  The roof on the machine shop is easily removed by lifting using the vents as handles.  The boiler house has no interior details.

The loading dock at the right was made with wood.  There will be details on it.

The loading dock is reached from inside the shop by the door at the left.  

The machines above are SS Ltd kits.  As usual very nice castings but not that easy to build - especially with  the many small parts and my shaky hands.  This getting old business is frustrating.  These machines will be placed in the shop along with other details and a few figures.  Thus far the interior details include a work bench with tools and a small office structure in one corner.  The story is that the shop used to have an external office but it burned down due to a careless cigar by the previous shop superintendent (he was fired).

It took longer than it should have to make this progress but my cable was out for a day and a half (no TV and no Internet), causing me to spend time fussing with the cable company.

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