Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Small wood building start

I have started building a small wood building but have not yet decided what it will be.  Still a lot of work to be done so I have time to decide.  It will be some kind of small business since it does not look like a house.  I just like building things.

The roof still need s shingles and it needs more weathering.  Once I decide what it will be I will add appropriate signs and details.

There will be a shed at the back.

While I was thinking about what to build,  I assembled a plastic automobile kit by Mountain States.  Nothing special.  It fits my layout era.

I am also building a truck using the front of an old plastic fire engine.  It needs a new rear section as well as a new cab.  These things are fun.  I acquired a bunch of old fire engines from estates but I do not need any more fire engines.  I built a firehouse a few years ago with fire engines.

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