Monday, November 12, 2018

Old machine shop complete

My old machine shop model is now complete, unless as usual I decide to make additions or changes.   The first two photos are with the roof on and the second two with the roof off to show the interior.  This shop builds new machines and refurbishes old machines so I have included some old pieces of machinery awaiting refurbishment.

Above you can see I added a water tower for the boiler room and at the right you can see some of the details on the loading dock.  I also added some protective screens on the lower part of the windows on this side to protect them from flying debris from passing trains/trucks as there will be either a track or road here depending on where I install the industry.

And above is the other end showing a loaded dock.

Above is a view of one end of the interior.  There is a work bench at the upper left and some machines.

And above is a view of the other end of the interior.  You can see the small office at the upper left.  This model was fun to build.

And now I need to figure out what to build next.

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