Saturday, June 29, 2019

Llinn truck model

While trying to decide what model to build next I have constructed a kit I have had for a long time.  It is a Linn truck or more appropriately a Linn tractor.  I have very few kits left in my inventory - all vehicles of some type.

This kit by Rio Grande Models is composed of many detailed cast metal parts. These cast metal vehicle kits are tedious to build but usually result in nice models.

I believe these trucks/tractors were mostly used for logging due to the poor roads in the woods.

I have now decided on my next structure model so I need to do some research on the prototypes and make some sketches.

1 comment:

  1. If it's any help, there is a restored original of this truck at the museum in Irricana Alberta (between Calgary & Drumheller).


    Steve Hooker
